Firmware update for MES2300/3300 and MES5324 series switches. Firmware version - 4.0.5
30 March
Eltex released new firmware version for MES2300/3300 and MES5324 series Ethernet-switches
Firmware version - 4.0.5
- IP-address changing in the same network can be implemented by the one command
- MAC based VLAN function is realized
- Uptime ports monitoring function is realized
- The possibility of password setting is implemented in bootroom
- SNMP MAC address notifications function
- MVR functions are realized for tagged ports
- SNMP trap sending configuration according to state changing of the separate port
- 2 files of configuration can be stored
- Rate limit function is realized on the port for different VLAN
- Realization of source IP-address spoofing in IGMP queries while multicast-tv vlan configuring
- Protection from BPDU with TCN flag reception on port
- "Show interface" command was added to the Ethernet interface data output
- MAC address notification function is realized
- IP local proxy ARP function
- Configuration Backup
- Quantity of L3 interfaces was increased
- Provides opportunity of simultaneous addition of MAC and IP access-list on ports
- Default option 82 format was changed from custom to TR101
Firmware and detailed description of new facilities available in Downloads or on the product page.