Firmware update for Wi-Fi access points WEP-1L, WEP-2L and WOP-2L. Firmware version – 1.1.0
16 July
Verison 1.1.0
New functionality:
- Added support for GRE over IPsec
- Implemented possibility to transmit subscriber traffic out of tunnel
- Implemented WPA Enterprise authorization with TLS
- Expanded monitoring in WEB-interface - monitoring of access point radio interface parameters is available
- Implemented monitoring of client authorization status on portal and WPA Enterprise SSID (available in CLI)
- Extended list of parameters available for monitoring via SNMP
- Improved system of the access point operation logging
Bug fixes:
- Improved interaction with the RADIUS server in WPA Enterprise
- Fixed the problem of clients reconnecting using WPA2 Enterpirse
- Fixed a bug causing traffic to pass between clients with different CVLANs (WPA Enterpise, individual VLANs per client)
- Fixed a bug related to the absence of 2.4 GHz client connection events after restarting the AP
- Fixed MTU issues in GRE circuit
- Fixed problem with output of scan results via NETCONF
The firmware and detailed description of the product capabilities are available in the
Downloads or on the product page.
If any questions corresponding update occur, please, contact our
technical maintenance department.