Eltex presents a new function set of ECSS-10 Softswitch (version 3.11)
15 October
The followings has been realized in the version 3.11:
Added Predictive dialer service;
Extended support for additional functions of Cisco phones of the following series:
Extended function set of Operators' and Supervisors' automated workplace:
- A unified Operator's and Supervisor's automated workplace with advanced statistics set;
- Intervention of a supervisor to a conversation in listening, consulting or conference mode through phone console keys;
A mechanism for modifiers organization on input and output has been added to routing;
Incoming call routing by priority has been realized in IVR scenarios;
An administrator of SSW can create folders and add media files;
Realized opportunity to use Calendar in Time IVR scenarios block;
"Monitoring groups" application has been developed for BLF and Presence groups management;
Added Distinctive Ring feature (adjustable ringtones);
Added Boss/Secretary feature;
Added a corporate phonebook service;
General operating performance has been improved.
We would like you to pay attention to new features added:
«Predictive dialer» service
The service allows launching of automated dialing to subscribers in order to inform them on new services, opportunities, arrearages and etc. To activate this service, you need to:
form base with numbers of subscribers to be called;
create text message, which will be converted into audio by integrated service YandexSpeechKit;
launch Predictive dialer through the Softswitch management interface.
«Boss/Secretary» service
The service allows all incoming calls directed to a boss to be transferred to a secretary automatically. An incoming call indicates on the boss phone and the service button flashes so the boss can answer the call. If the secretary is not in the working place, calls are transferred to the boss directly (the corresponding notification is displayed on their phone).
Corporate phonebook
The service allows storing personnel contacts base and provides the following opportunities:
access to personnel contacts through call-center operator's automated workplace;
automated export of contacts to a phone supporting phonebook feature.
The next update of ECSS-10 (3.12) is planned to be released at the beginning of 2019.
The test release version 3.11 is being deployed in a cloud soon. We invite you to take part in testing. To obtain the access, please, apply by e-mail voip@eltex.org.