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EVI Perimeter. Complex solution for video monitoring by Eltex

29 November 2023 Eltex announces a new software product, EVI Perimeter. It is dedicated for organizing professional surveillance system at industrial facilities, in the corporate segment and other areas that require increased attention to safety.


EVI Perimeter is a complex client-server solution, focused on building a video surveillance system of any scale. It consists of a client application for Windows/Linux and server software for Linux, which is responsible for processing video streams, data storage, intelligent video analysis and centralized management of the entire system.

Simple implementation
The system allows connecting IP cameras by different vendors, receiving and viewing video streams from them in real time through a client application for Windows and Linux, organizing recording and archiving. Due to open API, EVI Perimeter can be integrated with other systems such as access control, security and fire alarm, etc.

The server supports easy import/export of cameras, facilitating to quickly implement EVI Perimeter into the existing infrastructure. All information about cameras is stored to the file that can be uploaded later to EVI Perimeter. Thanks to this, you can quickly ensure the operation of the video monitoring system.

Analytical features
An analytical feature of the motion detection is implemented in EVI Perimeter. A security guard monitoring cameras may not notice motion on the screen, furthermore, they may be distracted. The video monitoring system will help you not to miss penetration into the facility: when motion is detected in certain areas of the frame, a mark will appear in the archive. Push notifications will be available for this feature in future releases.

The motion detection feature operates with any connected cameras and allows recording incidents in the frame field as quick as possible.

Recognition of the faces and car license plates will be implemented in future releases.

System capabilities:
  • receiving video streams from cameras via RTP/RTSP protocols in real time;
  • support for H.264, H.265 codecs;
  • access to viewing and configuring by roles;
  • open API for connection to the third-party systems;
  • intelligent motion detection in the frame;
  • scalability: number of connected cameras is not limited and depends on the server performance;
  • recording to the archive by schedule or event (if motion is detected);
  • quick access to the archive of the specific cameras from working view field.
Client application
The developers of EVI Perimeter have paid a lot of attention to ease of deployment and user experience for end users. The user-friendly interface ensures that end users can swiftly grasp the system's functionality.

The client application makes it possible to display streams from cameras in various configurations and freely arrange windows for broadcasting from cameras to video walls. Connection of up to 3 monitors is supported.

EVI Perimeter is in the initial development stage. With every release the system becomes more functional and easy to use. Implementation of the new capabilities is expected in future releases. Some of them:
  • analytics module for face recognition*;
  • analytics module for car license plates recogniton*;
  • sabotage detector: video signal quality control, alarm in case of attempt of camera damage or image obstruction;
  • blurring the frame area and hiding private information for live broadcasts;
  • floor plan for easy access to cameras in a certain area;
  • implementation of an event and alert center;
  • support for ONVIF protocol for cameras management and configuration.
* The analytics modules are licensed separately.

The EVI Perimeter video monitoring system is available for free testing. For testing terms and additional information on the product, contact sales department at

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