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Russia (GMT +7)

Eltex was ranked in «Techup 2015» of largest companies

8 February 2016

Eltex became one of the winners of the National rating of Russian high-tech companies "TechSuccess-2015", included in the top-30 largest companies.

Popularity of the ranking grows every year, also the number of participants increases. "National rating of “TechUp-2015” allows you to trace the development of the company. We participate in the rating everyyear and statistics show thatEltex confidently occupies an increasingly prominent position, underscoring the steady growth of the company, "- commented Eltex Marketing Manager,Kanzychakova Veronica.

«TechSuccess-2015" includes the most innovative and fast-growing high-tech companies of Russia. Participants of the ranking are the companies that supply high-tech products to the domestic market as well as overseas markets. It is their activity basically forms high-tech segment of Russian middle class. The revenue of many companies reaches the hundreds of millions and billions rubles a year.

About “TechSuccess-2015”.

“TechUp-2015” rating was first organized by RVC (Russian Venture Company)in partnership with the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) in 2012 with support from RUSNANO and the “Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere”. In 2013,PwCjoined as a project partner. In 2014, another partner joinedthe rating - SME Bank.

The purpose of the rating - the promotion of the domestic high-tech companies in both local and international markets.

The leaders of the rating are fast-growing high-tech companies, from different regions of Russia, a constantly, for the past three years, demonstrating the growth rateabove the average for their industry.

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