Seminar participants were carriers from countries such as Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and others. Eltex presented the success story of the company, implemented projects, development equipment roadmap and new directions of development. Particular attention during the presentation was given to the construction of communication networks based on GPON technology, which is the most promising technology of building fixed-line networks and allows operators to provide all the modern services for the subscriber over a single optical cable.
One of the seminar parts was devoted to demonstration of GPON solutions for telecom operators, deployed in the SAT-TRAKT operator's network. The composition of GPON solution includes multi-service access node and aggregation MA4000-PX, user ONT devices, as well as centralized management system Eltex.EMS.
"Eltex continues to promote telecommunication equipment of own production for the international market and is interested in new reliable and professional partners, such as the SAT-TRAKT. In the future, we plan to participate in such events in Eastern Europe on a regular basis. Annual seminars help us to understand the characteristics of the local market, meet with representatives of partner companies and key customers. It allows us to choose the right strategy to promote Eltex equipment ", - said International Projects leader of Eltex Mikhail Moiseev.
Company SAT-TRAKT presented in the Serbian market since 1990 as one of the leading distributors of equipment for CATV.It specializes in the supply of telecommunications equipment for the ISP, cable and VoIP-operators, and for business customers. One of the activities of the company - Internet service-providing in one of the regions of Serbia. SAT-TRAKT is being Eltex Enterprise representative since 2015.