Ru En
Designer and manufacturer of communication equipment
Russia (GMT +7)

Wi-Fi lighting control relay SW-RLY01

In development
Wi-Fi relay SW-RLY01 is a device for remote lighting control.

Lighting control
The device supports both incandescent and LED lighting sources. SW-RLY01 does not require a zero line connection.

Form factor
The device has a compact plastic housing, allowing it to be installed in junction and socket boxes.
Documents and files
The values given in the technical documentation are approximate as the device is under development. The actual specifications will be published after final testing and the model launch into pre-production.

  • WLAN - IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz
  • Operating voltage - 170–250 V
  • Connection type - no zero line
  • Number of channels - 2
  • Maximum load per channel - 800 W
  • Maximum current per channel - 3.5 A (resistive load)
  • Dimensions (WхHхD) - 43.5х18х43.5 mm
The values given in the technical documentation are approximate as the device is under development. The actual specifications will be published after final testing and the model launch into pre-production.

Operational lifetime of the ELTEX equipment
In development
Mass production
Mass production is over
Sold out
Support is over
Regardless of the operational lifetime stage, Eltex provides a 12 months warranty on all its telecommunication equipment.
During the warranty period the manufacturer ensures technical support and free-of-charge repair at the Enterprise which is situated in Novosibirsk.
As part of the warranty service, technical support is provided on the first-in first-out principle.
The priority support packages of 8/5 and 27/7 types are subjects to additional charges.